Digitalus——国外基于ZF的CMS - ZF Dream


阿克 posted @ 2009年1月02日 00:05 in 自学笔记 with tags CMS , 2446 阅读



the cms has been tested with over 100,000 pages.  In these tests it rendered a page in under a second the first time, and a quarter of a second the second time (thanks to the advanced page caching).  Imagine how fast it is with your average 100 page site.

SEO Friendly:

the core system was built from the ground up with search engines in mind.  It features search engine friendly urls, best XHTML practices by default, and full integration with Google webmaster and analytics tools.

Simple open source licensing:

the core code is covered under the New BSD license.  This means that it is your site to do with as you wish.

Highly customizable:

interact with your visitors.  There are a large number of modules available for the system.  Examples include news, events, contact forms, quizes, polls, ecommerce, member only areas, and much more.

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