统一设置zend_form的验证消息为中文 - ZF Dream
$languageFile=ROOT_PATH.'/library/Fwcms/language/simpleChinese.php'//自定义文件名和路径 $translate = new Zend_Translate('array',$languageFile, 'zh_CN'); $form->setTranslator($translate);
<?php return array( "Value is required and can't be empty" => '输入值不可以为空', "'%value%' has not only alphabetic and digit characters" => "'%value%'不是字母或数字", "'%value%' is an empty string" => "输入值不可以为空", "'%value%' has not only alphabetic characters" => "'%value%'包含非英文字母的字符", "isValid" => "错误", "'%value%' must contain between 13 and 19 digits" => "'%value%'必须是一个13到19位之间的数字", "Luhn algorithm (mod-10 checksum) failed on '%value%'" => "Luhn algorithm (mod-10 checksum) failed on '%value%'", "'%value%' is not between '%min%' and '%max%', inclusively" => "'%value%' 不在 '%min%' 和 '%max%'之间", "'%value%' is not strictly between '%min%' and '%max%'" => "'%value%' 必须大于 '%min%' ,小于 '%max%'", "'%value%' is not of the format YYYY-MM-DD" => "'%value%' 必须是类似 YYYY-MM-DD 这样的日期格式", "'%value%' does not appear to be a valid date" => "'%value%' 是一个错误的日期", "'%value%' does not fit given date format" => "'%value%' 日期格式错误", "'%value%' contains not only digit characters" => "'%value%' 不是数字", "'%value%' is not a valid email address in the basic format [email=local-part@hostname]local-part@hostname[/email]" => "这不是一个电子邮件地址", "'%hostname%' is not a valid hostname for email address '%value%'" => "这不是一个电子邮件地址", "'%hostname%' does not appear to have a valid MX record for the email address '%value%'" => "这不是一个电子邮件地址", "'%localPart%' not matched against dot-atom format" => "这不是一个电子邮件地址", "'%localPart%' not matched against quoted-string format" => "这不是一个电子邮件地址", "'%localPart%' is not a valid local part for email address '%value%'" => "这不是一个电子邮件地址", "'%value%' exceeds the allowed length" => "'%value%'不是一个电子邮件地址", "'%value%' does not appear to be a float" => "'%value%'不是一个浮点数", "'%value%' is not greater than '%min%'" => "输入值必须大于 '%min%'", "'%value%' has not only hexadecimal digit characters" => "输入值不是一个十六进制字符串", 'Tokens do not match'=>'Tokens do not match', 'No token was provided to match against'=>'No token was provided to match against', "'%value%' was not found in the haystack"=>"'%value%'不在可选范围之内", "'%value%' does not appear to be an integer"=>"'%value%' 不是一个整数", "'%value%' does not appear to be a valid IP address"=>"'%value%' 不是一个合法的IP地址", "'%value%' is not less than '%max%'"=>"输入值必须小于 '%max%'", "'%value%' does not match against pattern '%pattern%'"=>"'%value%' 不符合输入规则 '%pattern%'", "'%value%' is less than %min% characters long"=>"'%value%' 字符长度小于 %min% 位", "'%value%' is greater than %max% characters long"=>"'%value%' 字符长度超过 %max% 位" ); ?>